Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Last Supper

An Oregon artist humanizes death row and shares the stories of the condemned with 500 cobalt-blue paint fired plates, now showing in Corvallis Oregon.  She calls it "a window into the soul in an hour of crisis" and an examination of the strange rituals attached to both to the acts of execution and of preparing and sharing food.
Texas; Sept. 21, 2011: Two chicken-fried steaks, one pound of barbecued meat, a triple-patty bacon cheeseburger, a meat-lover’s pizza, three fajitas, an omelet, a bowl of okra, one pint of Blue Bell Ice Cream, some peanut-butter fudge with crushed peanuts and three root beers (after inmate didn’t eat any of this meal, Texas ends final meal request option).
Julie Green

Friday, January 25, 2013

"The Kiss" in Syrian ruins

"El beso" de Klimt entre los escombros de la guerra de Siria. El autor, Tammam Azzam. Tammam Azzam, after "The Kiss,"  on Syrian ruins